We are MacTuff! We hold different events throughout the year for ages 5 to 105. Our events and courses range from fast flat road races, to tough off road course to test your physical strength and your mental grit.

FAST 10s
Fast & Flat Road Races Near Dundee
Sunday September 8th 2024
Barry Buddon Training Camp, Carnoustie DD7 7RY
Race Start 11am
Race day Information
Barry Buddon 10s 2024
8th September 2024. Race Start 11am.
Race Results Will Be Linked HERE
10km Updated Results 11/09
10 Miles Updated Results 11/09
final results confirmed end of 11/09
What to expect . . . .
The Barry Buddon 10s offer you a great challenge, whether you are running a road race for the first time, or trying for a PB. The course is flat, give a few undulations over the distance.
Registering for the Race
All registrations are online and in advance of race day. When registration is closed it is not possible to register. There are no on the day registrations under any circumstances.
Parking & Event Access
There is NO PARKING or public vehicle access allowed inside Barry Buddon Training Area during race day and no access for public vehicles to drive through. All participants should park in areas of Monifieth as access to the start/finish area is closest from the Monifieth town side. PLEASE do park legally and respect local residents. Allow yourself 10-15 minutes at least to park and walk to the start finish area.
Event access is on foot only via the gate to Barry Buddon at Monifieth.
What Three Words: fixated.zaps.fend
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/41h24FssEQT7FbjEA
Race HQ and the start/finish area is around 100 metres from the gate.
Please note:
- Do not leave roads or tracks and do not deviate from the prescribed event route. All spectators should stay on roads or tracks and not take any shortcuts across land.
- Barry Buddon is primarily a military training estate. As such it is unlikely, but possible there may be discarded ordnance, munitions, explosives on site with the potential to initiate and seriously injure yourself and others. To that end:
- water in the streams, ditches and ponds are not fit for drinking.
Race Numbers & Timing
Your race pack containing your race number (with detachable baggage tag) and timing chip is to be collected from Race HQ at the start/finish area on race day from 09:45am. Apart from your timing chip and race number, your race pack includes: 4 safety pins to attach your race number to the FRONT of your shirt, and 2 twist ties to attach your timing tag to your shoe. Your timing tag must be attached to your shoe correctly or you will not record a finish time. A guide to attaching your shoe tag is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEJx_yKTFMQ
We recommend using the twist ties to attach your shoe tag, as we can easily cut these off after the race to retrieve the chip. It is important to return the chip once you have finished.
There will be a race clock next to the start and finish race arch. All competitors should have completed the event by 2 hours and 45 minutes. If competitors are unlikely to finish within they time they may be asked to withdraw.
Bag Storage
At Race HQ there will be attended bag storage (please attach your baggage tag from your race number, we cannot accept any bags without it). Bag storage is free, but we do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of belongings placed in baggage storage.
Toilets in the form of portaloos near the start gantry. Out on course there will also be portaloo toilets should anyone have an emergency toilet requirement.
Race Start
The race will start on time. All runners should be in place behind the start line by 10.55am for an 11:00 am start. The start will not be delayed for late arrivals. The race is chip start timed. Everyone who crosses the start line will have their personal start time recorded for their personal chip time. Note that all results published are as per ‘Gun Time’ (the time the race started).
Although 99% of the race is on tarmac, the race start and finish is on a track which can be watery and is ‘holey’. Be very careful on this start/finish track, If it rains badly please be aware the ground will be slippery, and we recommend all runners take a conservative start. Once out onto the road the course is VERY wide for the first 2 miles (and plenty wide for the remainder) and passing other participants is very easy.
We ask fast runners to start at the front and slower runners to start further back.
The Route
The course is mainly flat but with a few short undulations – most are in the first mile and last mile, so start easy, go strong once you pass the camp HQ (1 mile) and take it steady in the last mile on the way back in to the finish once you turn left again after camp HQ.
There are mile markers every mile and clear direction signage for all turns.
There are 2 sections where runners will pass each other on either side of the road. Runners should always run on the left hand side of the road. This will allow any emergency or essential vehicles to pass.
Pedestrians – the public still have walking access around the route so please aware of people. We would ask all runners to be courteous to pedestrians, and anyone found verbally abusing pedestrians will have their number noted and will be disqualified.
Potholes & Speed Bumps – Unfortunately there are a number of potholes on the roads around the course. As always runners should always be focused on where you are running and not to take any surface for granted. There are a number of speed bumps you will encounter on the side roads, stay on the extreme left for the best route past them.
Download Route & GPX by clicking HERE
Water stations
are stationed at points around miles 3, 6, and at the finish. Water dispensers will be available for those with their own cups. If you stop to drink water, please stand away from ‘the racing line’ so as not to impede other runners.
Note there are no other refreshments available (to buy) on site. Please feel free to bring with you your own food and drinks for after the race.
Please respect the marshals and all the helpers on the day. Please obey the instructions of them and do thank them. Please remember that they have given up their time in order to make the race possible.
First Aid
We have medics providing First Aid for our event. If you require their assistance or need to withdraw from the event, please see a marshal, who will assist you and notify the race organisers.
Cut off Time
The cut off time for race completion is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Please note we do allow the use of headphones on the course. However you will still need to be able to take directions from marshals at all times.
It is each runners responsibility to take care of their own safety and welfare before, during, and after the event.
The focal points to watch the race will near to the start and finish area near Race HQ, another walkable location to see the runners is the turning points before the main Barry Buddon camp buildings.
When you cross the line your time is measured on the chip which is attached to your race number. As you come through the finish your number will be scanned by the floor mats automatically. Your number will also be manually recorded for back up purposes.
Please walk through the funnel after the finish, as this will allow you to; have your shoe chip removed (cut by snips) and collect your race medal. You must have your timing chip to be awarded a medal.
Race Presentations
The first 3 male and female finishers will be awarded about 15 minutes after the first three men and women finish. Note there will be no age group awards for the inaugural race. Please note, trophies will not be sent out, so if you are not there to receive your trophy please nominate someone else to collect it for you.
The first 3 overall male and female participants will be awarded complimentary entry into the 2025 event ‘to defend their titles’.
will be available via link from the website (on this page under the header text, on the main page of the website under the event) and the MacTuff Running facebook page and will be available on the day, if not shortly after finishing, then by upload later on race day.
On the day Event Support - Could You Help?
We are always looking for people to help deliver our events on event day. If you are interested or know someone that is, then please let us know. In return we provide either a payment towards your expenses, or free places to our events. Email us at info@mactuffevents.com for more info.
The 2025 Barry Buddon Half Marathon
will be on Sunday April 27th 2025. Early bird entry is now available.
Note that early bird entry will be limited to the first 250 entries. If this is reached before the cut off date for early entry, then the cut off date will automatically be shortened to the date at the time the limit is reached, so please register early for the best price.
Entry Link: Barry Buddon 2025 Half Marathon 27th April 2025
The 2025 Barry Buddon 10s
will be in September/October 2025. Date will be released shortly.
Loss, Personal Injury and Damage
The organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss, personal injury or damage to any runner as a result of entering or participating in this event.
For many runners, a road race is the pinnacle of their ambition; for others it is a competitive race or a stage on the way to completing a full marathon (or greater). Either way, it should be treated seriously and you need to be in good physical shape to attempt it, and hopefully, complete it. Do NOT attempt to run on the day if you are feeling under the weather – you may do yourself more harm than good. If you are new to running, follow a training plan to prepare yourself for the day. Good advice on training and how to prepare for the event can be found on the Runners World website – http://www.runnersworld.co.uk. Make sure you have appropriate footwear suitable for running. If in doubt, visit a good running store and utilise their extensive experience. Wearing appropriate running kit will help to keep you comfortable, warm and dry if the weather is adverse. Again a good running store can advise.

Barry Buddon FAST 10s
The Barry Buddon FAST 10s is set to be an important annual milestone on the Scottish and UK running calendar.
Ran on the private roads of the Barry Buddon Training Centre, not only is the course flat and fast, but as the route is traffic free allows runners to focus on their running.
All runners are chip timed with reusable shoe chips.